Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey! Sorry this is late but on the 24th of May until the 26th I went to Belfast with my friends Katie and Jacki. It was a lot of fun. We traveled by train since it is just North of Dublin. The day that we got there we weren't really sure what to do so we found that they had Botanic Gardens, so we walked down there. We got some really cool pictures of flowers in the greenhouses (all the photos are up). After that we just kind of roamed. It was kinda cool because there was a festival going on in the main part of town, so we were able to eat for cheap. That evening we found a fountain and hung out there for a while. The next day we went on a bus tour of the area including Giant's Causeway which is a buildup of lava that makes a cool rocky area.

There is legend that there was a giant that lived in Ireland and one that lived in Scotland, well the one from Ireland wanted to fight the one from Scotland so he walked across the sea on these rocks. When he got to Scotland he found out how large the Scottish giant was, much larger than himself, so he got scared and ran back to Ireland. Once home he asked his wife what to do because he knew that the Scottish giant had seen him. His wife said that when the Scottish giant comes that the Irish giant should dress up like a baby so that the Scottish giant thinks he is the baby. Sure enough the Scottish giant did come over. He took one look at the Irish giant dressed as a baby and thought, "If that is the baby the dad must be enormous!" This freaked him out and he ran back to Scotland so fast that he ripped up the path leaving what we see today at the Causeway.

Not only did we see the Causeway that day we also saw a rope bridge where it was raining. We also stopped at the Bushmills Distillery, but I didn't want to take a tour since I had just taken a whiskey tour in Edinburgh and actually I don't like whiskey. The bus tour was really nice because we were able to see the country side as well as the coast. The last day we were there we really just went shopping. Belfast is a city of shopping centres and in one we found a Build-A-Bear. They had a cute Ireland bear so my friend Katie and I each made one. I named mine Aoife (EEE-fa) and she named hers Eoin (owen). That afternoon we had a nice train ride back home to Maynooth.

There are pictures of both Edinburgh and Belfast now in the Abroad Pictures Section.

Love everyone!! See you all soon!